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Printmaking Workshops 

Niall has hosted intaglio etching classes at The David Krut Print Workshop (DKW) and linocut workshops at The Alternative Print Workshop and at Assemblage.  He has also been involved in community printmaking workshops through Malcolm Christian and Vulindlela Nyoni, in KwaZulu-Natal.  In a six year position as Printmaking Technician at WITS University he spent much of his time teaching and assisting students in the studio.  

Throughout his career he has supplemented his personal projects with teaching, as it helps him to articulate his own art-making process.  Printmaking has a long tradition within educational structures and is seen as a fantastic way to develop an appreciation for process, and discipline within art practice.

More importantly, however, the printmaking studio is a place of refuge for likeminded people, away from their routines. It is a place where ideas can be tested in the company of knowledgeable and practical technicians.   


Niall's workshops are designed for people with an interest in taking a break from their daily grind- to make images in unexpected ways.  Some people feel overwhelmed by what is perceived as a very process-heavy medium.  The objective of his workshops is to demystify these processes, in order to make them enjoyable. The emphasis is placed on mark-making strategies, and a dialogue around imagery and composition.

Participants are given the opportunity to make work without concern for anything other than personal enjoyment and freedom in an open environment. His workshops give every individual an opportunity to try their hand at producing prints.  You do not need to be an artist to participate.


For dates and further information see etching-photo.ART

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